Product reviews

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Review: Wet and Wild trios.

I honestly underestimated this product when I bought it. I thought since it was Wet and Wild it wouldn't be good quality. I was wrong.
These shadows are terrific, no a bad thing to say about them.

The pigmentation is out standing.
Pigmentation: 10/10
Quality: 9.5/ 10
Packaging: 9/10
Price: Very affordable. $3-5. Purchased for $3.99 from walmart.
Overall: 9.5/10

These Wet and Wild eyeshadow are absolutely outstanding.
< finished this shadow ;p

- photos are mine.


  1. I have to agree, I totally underestimated the WnW shadows, I mean they're cheap right? they're not supposed to be good LOL girl you straight out hit pan on those LOL

  2. she so did! ^^
    Is that a broom your using or a brush LMAO.
    I have to agree, this product is awesome.

  3. LMFAO @Marley, definatley used a broom!
